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Dr. Wroolie does not accept insurance at this time. All services at are provided on a fee-for-service basis. If you have a health insurance policy, it will usually provide some coverage for mental health treatment. Dr. Wroolie will provide forms that you may submit to your insurance company but individuals are responsible for their own insurance billing. However, although she does not bill your insurance directly, she will provide you with whatever assistance she can to help you receive reimbursement. You (not your insurance company) are responsible for full payment of fees. It is very important that you find out exactly which mental health services your insurance policy covers if you wish to submit a claim for reimbursement. Authorization is often required in advance.


To determine if you have mental health coverage through your insurance carrier, the first thing you should do is call your insurance company and make sure you understand your coverage. Some helpful questions you can ask them:

What are my mental health benefits?

  • What is the coverage amount per therapy session?

  • How many therapy sessions does my plan cover?

  • What is the coverage for neuropsychological assessment (note: this is a per hour charge)?

  • How much does my insurance pay for an out-of-network provider?

  • Is approval required from my primary care physician?



Payment is due at each therapy session. Cash, check, or credit cards are accepted for payment.   

  • Individual psychotherapy $300/ per 55 minute session

  • Family therapy $300/per hour

  • Neuropsychological assessment $450/hour. A typical evaluation costs between $3500-$5000.  This cost includes the clinical interview, assessment, scoring, and interpretation of data, feedback session, and report.  Half of the fee is required at the first visit and the balance is due before the report is provided.



If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment or give at least 24 hours notification in advance, you will be responsible for full payment of the missed session.

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